- 官方网站: https://www.ansible.com/
- Github: https://github.com/ansible/ansible
- 官方文档: https://docs.ansible.com/
- Tower文档: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/
- 白皮书: https://www.ansible.com/resources/whitepapers
- 维基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible_(software)
- Jinja2 中文文档: http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/
- yaml语法: http://www.yaml.org/
- 官方Hub: https://galaxy.ansible.com/
- https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples
- https://github.com/geerlingguy
- https://github.com/debops
- https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible
- https://github.com/lework/Ansible-roles
- tower: https://www.ansible.com/products/tower
- awx: https://github.com/ansible/awx
- semaphore: https://github.com/ansible-semaphore/semaphore
- nci-ansible-ui: https://github.com/node-ci/nci-ansible-ui
- 图书: https://www.ansible.com/resources/ebooks
- Ansible Configuration Management - Second Edition
- Ansible for DevOps
- Ansible Playbook Essentials
- Ansible - Up and Running
- Learning Ansible
- Learning Ansible 2 - Second Edition
- Mastering Ansible - Second Edition
- OpenStack Administration with Ansible
- Ansible cmdb - Takes the output of Ansible's fact gathering and converts it into a static HTML overview page containing system configuration information.
- Ansible Inventory Grapher - creates a dot file suitable for use by graphviz.
- Ansible Lint - Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved.
- Ansible Silo - Ansible in a self-contained environment via Docker.
- Ansigenome - Ansigenome is a command line tool designed to help you manage your Ansible roles - scan, standarize documentation and meta files, generate dependency graphs.
- ARA: Ansible Run Analysis - Records Ansible Playbook runs seamlessly to make them easier to visualize, understand and troubleshoot. It integrates with Ansible wherever you run it.
- Mitogen for Ansible - Uses the Mitogen library to execute Ansible playbooks in a more efficient way (decreases the execution time).
- Molecule - Testing of Ansible roles.
- OpsTools-ansible - The project opstools-ansible is to use Ansible to configure an environment that provides the support of OpsTools, namely centralized logging and analysis, availability monitoring, and performance monitoring.
- Phansible : Github - Simple generator for Vagrant projects, targeting PHP development environments.
- TD4A - Template designer for automation - TD4A is a visual design aid for building and testing jinja2 templates. It will combine data in yaml format with a jinja2 template and render the output.
- Packer Ansible Provisioner - This Provisioner can be used to automate VM Image Creation via Packer with Ansible.
- Excel Ansible Inventory - Turn any Excel Spreadsheet into an Ansible Inventory
- ansible-bundler - Turn Ansible playbooks into executable files
- YAML、YML在线编辑(校验)器 - YAML、YML在线编辑(校验)器
- Ansible Template Tester - jinja2 模板校验
- J2Live - jinja2 模板校验
- Ansible Vim - 适用于 Ansible 语法 的 vim 插件
- VSCode extension for Ansible - 适用于 Ansible 的 Visual Studio Code 扩展
- JetBrains OrchidE - OrchidE provides language support for Ansible playbooks, roles and variables.
最后更新: 2020-12-03 08:40:01